Unlikely Unions

1. FNL and BSA Present:
By Emily B. Hyman

1. FNL and BSA Present:

The Second Annual Black Mitzvah

2. PBHA and The Hasty Pudding Club invite you to:

Getting Krunk for Kids

3. Harvard Ballroom and The Harvard Cancer Society Present:

Dance for the Cance

4. Fuerza Latina and PBHA present:

Open Mic Event

5. DAPA and The Fly Club invite you to:

Drink Like its Prohibition

6. OTI and IGP Present:

A Discussion of Politics in the Middle East

7. WHRB and Dudley House Present:

Stoned: A Musical

8. The Harvard Tiddlywinks Society and Wushu Club invite you to:

YES! We Exist

9. Harvard Gay and Lesbian Caucus and the Harvard BGLSTA Present

We Are Different Clubs

Actual Themes: 1, 4

It’s Only a Matter of Time: 2, 3, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9