
House: Currier Concentration: Government, Secondary in English Hometown: Chicago! Ideal Date: Steven McDonald is my white whale. Best way for
By FM Staff

House: Currier

Concentration: Government, Secondary in English

Hometown: Chicago!

Ideal Date: Steven McDonald is my white whale.

Best way for a guy to get your attention: Improve his mind with extensive reading and/or take off his top.

Where to find you on a Saturday night: Sleeping through angry phone calls from the Kong delivery people (I am still so sorry, Hong Kong Restaurant & Lounge).

First thing you notice about a guy: If he is Steven McDonald. If he is, I take out my harpoon...

Your best pick-up line: I don’t pick up. I throw down.

Best or worst lie you’ve ever told: “Yes, Mom, I’m going to Mardi Gras. No, Mom, I would never be objectified for a strand of beads.”

Favorite childhood toy: Books.

Sexiest physical trait: My claw.

Something you’ve always wanted to tell someone: Eva Dickerman, you owe me $40.

Favorite part about Harvard: The Bingham Solarium and its supporters.

Describe yourself in three words: I don’t follow directions.

In 15 minutes you are: Washing laundry.

In 15 years you are: Washing dollar bills like laundry.
