March on Washington For Women's Rights

200 Harvard Students Participate


About 200 Harvard students travelled to Washington, D.C. for the Sunday March for Women's Lives sponsored by the National Organization for Women.

The students--undergraduate and graduate students--arrived early in the morning and gathered for the three-mile march on the Mall between the Washington Monument and the Capitol. From there, they marched passed the monument to the White House and on to the Capitol Lawn for a four-hour rally. The rally featured speeches by NOW President Eleanor Smeal, Ms. Magazine founder Gloria Steinem, and former New York State Representative Bella Abzug.

Marching in unseasonably warm weather, the Harvard contingent took part in what organizers described as the biggest feminist rally in history. About 80,000 people participated.

The march was organized by NOW to rally support for the maintenance of existing abortion laws as well as opposition to an anti-abortion amendment to a civil rights bill going through Congress.

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