Hoopes Prizes


The following seniors won Thomas T. Hoopes prizes for outstanding individual projects, their advisors also received commendation.

* to Matthew D. Roberts '84, $1500, for his thesis entitled "A God Outgrown: As Analysis of the Origin and Development of Students for a Democratic Society 1960-1969"--Rebecca Klatch, Teaching Fellow.

* to Rona Shapiro '84, $1500, for her senior thesis entitled "'Papa, I Have a Voice Now'; Mothers, Fathers and the Path Toward Authorship in the Works of Jewish Women Writers in America, 1910-1940"--Dr. Judith Kates, Tutor.

* to David N. Tancredi '84, $1500, for his senior thesis entitled "The Ambiguities of Ayurvedic Medical Practice in Modernizing Urban India"--Professor Arthur Kleinman.

* to John MacLeod '84, $1500, for his senior thesis entitled "Levelled Aspirations: Social Reproduction in a Low-Income Neighborhood"--Katherine McClelland. Teaching Fellow.

* to Miranda Cowley '84, $1500, for her senior thesis entitled "Out of the Mouths of Babes. Children as Spokesmen in Uncle Tom's Cabin. Huckleberry Finn, and To Kill a Mockingbird"--Sonya Michael. Teaching Assistant.

* to Ann Blair '84, $1500, for her senior thesis entitled "Truth and Method in Sixteenth Century Science. The Case of Peter Ramus"--Assistant Professor Michael H. Shank

* to Philip N Klein '84, $1500 for his paper entitled "Stacktracking: Parallel Acceptance of Deterministic Context Free Languages" Associate Professor John H. Reif.

* to Keith H Rogal '84, $1500, for his senior thesis entitled. Of Dreams and Towers William Beckford and the Practice of Associationism Professor James S Ackerman.

* to Ira Bashkow '84, $1500 for his senior thesis entitled "Bandaids for Armageddon Public Information in the Early Atomic Civil Defense Program" Margaret W. Rossiter, Visiting Lecturer.

* to Peter O'Driscoll '84, $1500 for his senior thesis entitled. "The Juxtaposition of Historical and Fictional Narratives in Jean-Paul Sartre's Le Sursis"--Lawrence Wolff, Lecturer.

* to Caren L. Grossbard '84, $1500 for her senior thesis entitled "The Interaction of Response Based Delay and Reinforcement Amount in Affecting Choice Behavior"--Assistance Professor James E. Mizur.

* to Heather Cox Richardson '84, $1500, for her senior thesis entitled "Under a Northern Star: The Washburns and 4 Their effect on Pre Civil War Politics"--Professor David H. Donald.

* to Dolly S. Wiggins '84, $1500, for her senior thesis entitled "A Mutual Understanding: Similarities is Actor and Observes Attributions"--Assistant Professor David M. Buss.

* to John D. Capeel '84, $1500, for his senior thesis enitled "Facility Siting by Negotiation: An Alternative to the Current Process"--Professor Robert Dorfman.

* to Glenn Flores '84, $1500, for his senior thesis entitled "Comparative Osteology, Relationships, and Evolution in Jamaican Frogs of the Genus Eleutherodactylus"--Professor Ernest E. Williams.

* to Robert J. Cutler '84, $1500, for his senior thesis entitled "Sam Shepard and the American Theater"--Associate Professor William Rothman.

* to Kathleen L. Carroll '84, $1500, for her senior thesis entitled. "Thomas More: The King's Good Servant?"--Dr. Richard Marius, Senior Lecturer.

* to Craig G. Kennedy '84, $1500, for his senior thesis entitled "The Romanov Relations: A Kinship-based Analysis of the 1613 Election of Mikhail Romanov to the Muscovite Throne"--Professor Edward L Keenan

* to Calvin K Ho '84, $1500, for his senior thesis entitled Point Mutations in an Aminoterminal Fragment of Alanine Transfer RNA Synthetase Which Elevate Activity"--Associate Professor David S. Auld.

* to Peter K Sorger '84, $1500, for his senior thesis entitled "The Self-Assembly of Tarnip Crinkle Virus, an Icosahedral RNA Virus," Professor Stephen C Harrison.

* to Bruce A Tuckman '84, $1500, for his senior thesis entitled "Transgressing the Law of One Price. A Model of Price Dispersion" Associate Professor David K Pickard.

* to Thomas Hirschfeld '84, $1500, for his senior thesis entitled "lus in the De Re Publica. The Meaning of Ambiguity" Associate Professor Thomas R. Martin.

* to Jeffrey R. Kuhlman '84 $1500, for his senior thesis entitled Immunochemical Localization and the Physiological Effects of EMRI amide-like Substances in the Leech"--Associate Professor Ron Calabrese.

* to Adam Lowy '84, $1500 for his senior thesis entitled Cellular Interactions in the Regulation of Immunity.--Associate Professor Mark Greene.

* to Christopher Murry '84, $1500 for his senior thesis entitled "Biogeographic Theory and Its Application to the Kenya Rangelands.-- Professor E.O. Wilson.

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