Math Faculty Committee Proposes Curriculum Revision

A Committee in the Mathematics Department his proposed specific revisions that seek level course and make some math offerings more applicable to students in related fields.

The Curriculum review to the first in the years for the department and was sparked by a significant decline in enrollment is intermediate, or 100-level, courses.

Concentrators contacted yesterday said that the 100-level courses, which deal with concrete, classical macerates, do not later out sunny students. In addition, they noted that the intermediate courses are not currently prerequisites for the more abstract 200-level offerings.

"Concentrators going straight from Math 55 to the 200-level courses--jumping directly into the abstraction--seemed to as a screwy way to do things," said Department Chairman David B. Mumford '57, a member of the eight-man committee.

The proposed revision would "make the 100-level courses more attractive, useful and meaty," said Assistant Professor of Mathematics John M. Loe. Committee members seek to publicize the prerequisite value of some of the material in other 100-level courses.

Related Fields

The other problem the revision seeks to address in the accessibility and applicability of math courses to the intermediate level. Also Math "55, Advanced Calculus," would become Math 25. "Honors Intermediate Calculus and Linear Algebra," Which would have "the rigor without the abstraction, matching the preparation of students much better, explained Mumford.

The revision will be discussed at a meeting for concentrators on February 25, and a questionnaire will be distributed then to allow for students' criticism of the plain.

In March, the committee will make a final recommendation to the full department faculty.

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