De Witt Goes South and Gets Drunk

You didn't really come all the way down here to see a movie did you? Naw! That's the response you're
By De Witt

You didn't really come all the way down here to see a movie did you? Naw! That's the response you're likely to get if you suggest a flick in New Haven this weekend. Anyway, if you can't resist, there are a few playing around the Yale campus.


Casino Royale (Chittenden Hall): Thousands of Harvard students flood New Haven one weekend, drink a lot, and make general nuisances of themselves. The movie features Cheap vodka as the notorious villain Bad Punch. Don't miss the famous "Davenport Bash" scene starring Warm Stale Beer.

Just when things are getting really bad. Yale student Saybrook Pierson (Wee Triharder), annoyed because he hasn't got a bit of studying done all weekend what with the noise and everything, calls in Archie Epps (John Fox) and John Fox (Archie Epps) to quiet things down. Epps and Fox respond immediately by reminding the rowdy students about some obscure rule concerning alcohol use. A committee is formed. Nobody pays attention, though, and the parties continue.

There is a football game somewhere in the film, which provides a light diversion to some of the more serious moments. The ending is really the only bad part of the movie, with Duke McPuke grossly overacting as the cynical character Hangover.


Shampoo (Law School Auditorium): Travel with Warren Beatty on this wacky intergalactic adventure through space and time. Beatty, as the invincible Flash Speedo, along with sidekick Crusty Oldguy (Jack Warden) and faithful dog Arfie (Barbara Stanwyck) fiods himself in one sticky situation after another. Watch him battle Goldie Hawn as the hair-raising Dumb Blond Monster from the planet Nomind, a creature so terrible, its mere touch can turn a normal man into a silly sex object.

Ultimately, Flash and a beautiful princess (Julie Christie) fall in love and are married. But Flash can't stay faithful for long, and starts playing around with the princess' promiscuous maid Ginny (Wayne Newton). Flash and the princess are divorced, Flash moves in with Ginny and nobody ever figures out why the movie is called "Shampoo."


The Song Remains the Same (Chittenden Hall): 24 versions of "Stairway to Heaven," and one long drum solo. Do you really want to sit through that? We don't. In fact, we don't want to sit through a movie at all this weekend. Now how 'bout a beer?
