The Oh, Mama, Can this Really Be the End? Quiz

Another quiz? Well, why not? We've come a long way since the "Know-Your-President-Warts-and-All Quiz," and if we couldn't stop the war, at least we take partial credit for there being no Class Day speaker this year. What can this mean? Harvard teaches you to limit your goals.

Anyway, this is the last time we get to rip off Esquire. So long, suckers.


1 Who is this man? What round of the 1973 NFL draft did he go in?

2 What soccer star left Harvard in 1973 claiming. "Anything I learn here cannot be applied in Yugoslavia"?

3 What fad swept Quincy House in the spring of 1973, and why did Dean Epps attempt to stop it?

4 What professor chased six SDS members out of his classroom, yelling "Get the hell out of here" and shoving the slow ones?

5 Who did the Harvard Trivia Team bear, 201-175, in what captain Lewis First '76 described as "an upset"?

6 Who said on The Dating Game "What would you do if you got a date with me and then you found out that I was just a cheap skater"?

7 Why did Cambridge mayor Alfred E. Vellucci say he was supporting Harvard in the 1971 Game?

8 What were the final scores of the last hour Yale games?

9 Who started a "liberation" forum at the Business School in the fall of 1971, explaining. "We are all alone and insecure"?

Half the Sky

10 In February 1973, three weeks after Hillary Putnam quit the Progressive Labor party, what did his wife, Ruth, do?

11 What did a feminist group stage outside Lowell Lec in May 1973 to protest the lack of women's bathrooms at Harvard?

12 Who said: "If there's one thing that can be said about the Rhodes committee. It's that they play by the rules, and the rules are that you just don't consider women's applications"?

13 When did women first live in the Yard?

14 Why did Phillip O. C. Schorsch, organizer of the "liberation" forum, say he had been kicked out of the Business School's doctoral program, and how did he respond?

15 Who said: "Women are a civilizing influence. As House master, my goal is to move them around the House as much as possible"?

16 What Square restaurant did the Harvard Soward Waitresses Organizing Committee strike in 1972?

17 Who wrote the letter in the Radcliffe, Class of '75's freshmen registration envelope, advising class members to "restrain the baser instincts of their menfolk"?

18 Who said of the Signet Society: "I found a group of token women, myself included, expected to enjoy the exist humor of a traditional stag club"?

19 According to Lewis J. Appell '36, president of the Associated Harvard Alumni, the admissions office should have three goals; to increase the number of women it accepts, not to decrease the number of men it accepts, and what else?

20 What 1973 Harvard event attracted women in men's clothing, men in women's clothing, and men and women in swastika armbands?

The Grand Old Party

21 In 1973, how many students responded to the Harvard Republican Club's call for renewed interest in ROTC?

22 Who did Sen. Charles Percy (R-Ill.) suggest for special Watergate prosecutor?

23 Who was the CIA pilot shot down over China in 1952 who enrolled as a law student in 1973?

24 What were two slogans from the Lampoon's October 1971 pre-election victory celebration for Nguyen Van Thieu?

25 Who told the Harvard Republican Club that Nixon was "the best Republican president, if not in history, then the last 100 years"?

26 Who told the Harvard Republican Club: "If you went to Ball State University in Muncie, Ind. then you might have to worry about a job, but here at Harvard you have nothing to worry about"?

27 According to Harvard Republican Club president Wallace Schwartz '74, why did Vice-president Ford's acceptance of the club's man-of-the-year award constitute a triumph?

28 Midway through the Watergate era, what line from Key Large provoked hysterical laughter in the Harvard Square Theater?

People and Places

29 What preceded La Crepe? The 24 Rest? The Grist Mill? Canaday Hall? "Satch" Sanders?

30 Who was "Pigeonman"?

31 Who is Jeasse L. Gill? Who is Herman A. "Rocky" Mountain?

32 Who are Arthur Karuna-Karan and Mahmood Mamdani? Who are Bonnie B. Blustein '72 and Ira D. Helfand '71? Who is Tommy th'Bopper?

33 When was the Massachusetts drinking age lowered to 18?

34 What was the big disappointment of the winter of 1973?

35 In a short-lived experiments in 1971 what replaced cars on Brattle Street?

36 When was Harvard Square's last special curfew, and what did it follow?

37 Who said: "I will not be deported alive?" In March 1972, what happened to him?


38 Who introduced Harvard's new Delta 2000: "There's a good chance that something won't work on the computer while you're there visiting it, but I want you to know that only happens rarely."

39 What group has used the Adams House swimming pool for baptisms?

40 In February 1973, what did Buildings and Grounds install in all residences?

41 Who said: "I am the most learned fucking lecturer in the whole joint tonight because tonight we are going to talk about stool pigeons"?

42 Who said: "To sum up, we have decided not to turn away from the problems of black Angolans by selling out Gulf shares"?

43 What was stolen from the Lampoon in October 1973?

44 What happened to the last Boston building 1. M. Pei designed before the Kennedy Library?

45 Which Harvard graduate school boasted the longest and least comprehensible power struggle?

46 Who said: "I was the fool I blew it The dean knows more than I do"?

47 Who analyzed the Faculty. "I have always found that the other side of a grant, arrogant ego is a painful desire to be petted and stroked Where else would that apply more?"?

48 In December 1973, what did thieves steal from the Fogg?

49 In December 1974, what happened to the track bubble?

50 Who was the tallest student in the 1972 Summer School?

51 Who wrote The Crimson in October 1971, alleging that "the answer" to wounded Vietnam veterans "tough road ahead to rehabilitation" was "Project Appreciation"?

52 Who are Peter E. DeLuca and Rudolph V. Carbone?

53 According to ex-antiwar activist Rennie Davis. Who makes "the vision of May Day, or workers no longer needing to serve a capitalist society...a very, very, very practical reality"?

General Knowledge

54 In December 1972, 800 Andover students received mail with a Holyoke Center return address. What did the 800 envelopes contain?

55 Andover Headmaster Theodore Sizer '59 said. "They will know what to do with them." How did he amplify this analysis?

56 In March 1973, what did two Harvard surgeons say marijuana smoking caused in males?

57 Who said: "If you've got sauce, you drink sauce. If it's hash, you use hash."?

58 What noted playwright lost his job at NYU when it was learned he had lied about having a Harvard B.A.?

59 Who began a Lowell Lee address: "This is the first time I have talked in public drunk in 22 years."?

60 What 1972 movie focused on drug traffic at Harvard? What 1973 movie focused on the Law School?

61 What correspondence did Harvard circulate to all students in the spring of 1972?

62 What was Quality Bullshit?

63 In 1973, five Brown students were arrested for stealing what from the Harvard band?

64 According to psychologist Eoleef H. Schwaab, what did Phillip O. C. Schorsch need?

65 How many students showed up for the 1972 SDS "Red Fast" tour of Harvard?

66 One of them was Jeffrey Soreff, then 13-year-old freshman. What invention was be working on at the time?

67 What did Ewart Guinier '33 call the drafters of the Afro-American Studies Department's Review Committee report?"

68 What South Korean evangelist known for his anti-communism and mass weddings tried to save Harvard in October 1973?"

The Real World

69 Who said: "Peace is at hand"? How many Vietnamese were killed in the next year?

70 Who advised citizens to ask "not just what can government do for me, but what can I do for myself," and promised "a peace which can endure for generations to come"?

71 According to chief presidential economic adviser Alan Greenspan, what group of people is hurt most by economic recession?

72 According to other presidential advisers, what is "over"?

73 In March 1974, what effect did President Nixon say his resignation would have?

Bonus Question

74 According to Stephen S. J. Hall, vice-president for administration, what is Harvard?

'Harvard Teaches You the Questions, Not the Answers...'

1. Eric "End-Zone" Crone '73; 17th and last.

2. Dragan Vujovic '75.

3. Light-bulb eating: "I didn't think it was a craze we wanted to export from Harvard."

4. Martin L. Kilson.

5. Inmates from the Massachusetts State Penitentiary.

6. John Misha Petkevich '72.

7. Yale had released a map purporting to show that the Vikings discovered America. "They came out with this story just before Columbus Day, and we haven't forgotten it," Vellucci declaimed.

8. From 1971 on: 35-16 Harvard, 28-17 Yale, 35-0 Yale, 21-15 Harvard.

9. Phillip O. C. Schorsch.

10. Joined it.

11. A. pee-in.

12. Dale S. Russekoff '74.

13. Fall 1972.

14. For allegedly having sexual relation with the 16 and 18-year-old daughters of a prominent Boston doctor. He went on a 47-day hunger strike.

15. Alan Heimert '49, master of Eliot House.

16. Cronin's.

17. "Franklin Jefferson Adams IV '22," of the "Alumni Committee on Undergraduate Comportment."

18. Post Adrienne Rich '62.

19. Not to increase the size of the College.

20. The Freshman Union's male chauvinist pig dinner.

21. None.

22. President Bok.

23. John Downey.

24. "Thieu's the one." "In your hut you know he's right," "Best Northeastern."

25. Vice-president Gerald R. Ford.

26. President Bok.

27. "It's been hard to get important people to come to Cambridge."

28. "Let Johnny Rocce come back! Let him be president!"

29. The Toga Lounge, Hazena. Hungry Charleys, Hunt Hall, and Bob Harrison.

30. Richard J. Herrnstein, professor of Psychology, according to SD6 literature.

31. Ex-CIA infiltrator of Harvard SDS; ex-chief of the CIA's Cambridge division.

32. A research follow at the Business School arrested for drunkenness in 1971 and a Graduate Student and Teaching Fellows Union organizer in 1972; one-time heavies in Harvard SDS: The Crimson's short-lived counter to "Doonesbury."

33. March 1, 1973.

34. Cornet Kohoutek.

35. Potted plants.

36. April 1972; the Attica Brigade's trashing of the CFIA.

37. Phillip O. C. Schorsch. He was deported to Germany.

38. Stephen S. J. Hall, vice-president for administration.

39. The Harvard-Radcliffe Christian Fellowship.

40. Peepholes.

41. Jimmy Breslin.

42. President Bok.

43. The Ibis.

44. All the windows of the Hancock Building broke and had to be replaced.

45. Graduate School of Design.

46. Jean H. Slingerland, associate director of expository writing.

47. Robin Schmidt, assistant vice president for public affairs.

48. Ancient coins.

49. It collapsed.

50. Kareem Abdul-Jebber.

51. Cambridge police officers who arrested Larry Largey, who died the name night amid allegations of police beatings.

52. Martha Mitchell.

53. Guru Maharaj H.

54. One joint in each.

55. "They'll either give it back or destroy it."

56. Enlarged breasts.

57. Heimert.

58. Israel Herevlts.

59. Norman Maller '43, but he was lying.

60. Dealing: The Paper Chase.

61. Letters between Dean Epps and Katherine Moss '75, regarding SDS's National Convention Against Racism.

62. One of the termpaper companies that flourished until. Boston colleges ganged up to take legal action against them.

63. The drum.

64. "Help."

65. Two.

66. A microwave machine for inducing heart attacks at a distance.

67. "Nincompoops."

68. Rev. Sun Myung Moon.

69. Kissinger; no exact figures. According to the Saigon government, 60,000 in the year following the "cease-fire" four months later.

70. Nixon in his Second Inaugural.

71. Stockbrokers.

72. "The urban crisis of the '60s."

73. "The destruction of the office of the presidency."

BONUS. "One of the finest universities in the world as far as the product they turn out."

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