'Crimson' Rallies on Alleys To Destroy Pomeroy, 23-2


Trailing 2-0 going into the tenth frame, the Crimson bowling team knocked down 23 pins to clobber the Pomeroy Tiddlywinks and Bowling Team, 23-2, and continue its domination of collegiate candlepin action.

"I think the pin setter deserves some credit," an elated Robbie "Real Thing" Eggert told television personnel filming the match for Saturday's "Here We Bowl Again." "I just hit that white button, the pin setter came down, and boom, I had ten pins," Eggert explained. "I just wish I'd caught on earlier." Earlier, Eggert had thrown 28 gutter balls.

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M. Deacon Dake, one of the architects of the Crimson win, had praise for Richard Nixon, President of the United States, who had placed a call to the team locker room to suggest a play. "Throw the ball down the center," Nixon said, "but make sure there's lots of spin on it so that you get a right hook." Dake was unable to explain why this had failed to knock down pins. "But it's the thought that counts," he added.

The Pomeroy team was less excited as the four sat in McDonald's contemplating their Big Macs. Sally Surgoner, the captain, was bitter over advice she had received during a call from Sen. Edmund Muskie, who is rumored to be seeking Nixon's job.


"He told us not to risk throwing a ball down the alley," Surgoner recalled. "He said it was better to let the other team make the mistakes. It worked great until that tenth frame," the captain quipped. "After all these years I thought we were finally going to beat those guys."

Cissy Clark got the credit for Pomeroy's two pins when she was sitting on the bench during her turn in the fourth frame. The Crimson's Dan Morgan threw a right hook which hopped over to Pomeroy's lane and caught two on the left.

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