Lehman Cafeteria To Stop Serving Interhouse Lunch


As of next Tuesday, Harvard undergraduates will no longer be able to eat at Lehman Hall on interhouse.

Thomas E. Crooks '49, Master of Dudley House, announced yesterday that the dining hall will also be closed to all graduate students between 11 a.m. and 2 p.m. Harvard undergraduates will be able to buy their lunch.

Crook's action came after Dudley House members complained of over-crowding in the Lehman lunchrooms.


Until the Radcliffe Graduate Center opened its dining rooms to Harvard undergraduates on March 10, Lehman Hall was the only dining hall around the Yard which offered interhouse to both Radcliffe and Harvard students.

No limit is currently being enforced at the Graduate Center on the number of lunchers, but one member of RUS predicted that "because of its size, and the interhouse closing at Lehman, they'll have to limit the number of people at lunch, or the crowds will be enormous."

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