Harvard, M.I.T. Establish Center To Conduct Broad Urban Studies

$675,000 Ford Grant to Finance Joint Project; Both Universities to Supply Staff Members

Harvard and M.I.T. have established a joint Center for Urban Studies, Martin Meyerson, Director of the new Center, has revealed. The first co-operative venture of its kind betwen the two Universities, the project will be equally revolutionary in the broad scope of its activities.

President Pusey hailed the new Center as a major attraction for scholars from diverse fields. The object of the agreement with M.I.T. is to further the study of the numerous problems relating to an urban community, he said.

Already in operation, the Center "is purely for research, not teaching," according to Meyerson. Consequently, it will primarily benefit Faculty members and graduate students doing research, although Meyerson expressed the hope that qualified undergraduates will participate.

"Projects can cover any aspect of the urban community, whether historical, literary, educational, governmental, or architectural," he emphasized. The focus of the present Harvard Center for Urban Studies on design and physical planning will be considerably broadened, he stated, pointing out that suggested projects have come from members of the Law School, the Philosophy Department, and the School of Education.

Direction of the Center is divided equally between the two schools. Carl F. Floe, Administrative Vice-Chancellor of M.I.T., is chairman of the joint Administrative Committee while Meyerson is director.

Dean Bundy, Jose L. Sert, Dean of the School of Design, and Don K. Price, Dean of the Graduate School of Public Administration comprise the Harvard members of the Administrative Committee.

The Ford Foundation has granted the new Center $675,000 for four and a half years. Meyerson believed this grant to be the largest ever made to an academic institution. He indicated, however, that it will be necessary to seek additional funds from other sources.

Members of the Urban Studies Center will be drawn form the faculties of the two participating universities, although Meyerson said he hoped to acquire visiting staff members from other colleges and countries in the future. He expects to have as many as 20 staff members working under the Center in the first year.

The agreement was signed last week, M.I.T. Chancellor Stratton revealed last night. Negotiations for the joint project have been under way for over a year.

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