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BERLIN, Nov. 24--Intelligence sources say Russia has made East Germany a key base for launching nuclear missiles in case of war.
They now believe the Russians are studying East German launching sites for their new intermediate-range ballistic missiles, which could strike from East Germany at the West European capitals, the main NATO defense bases and targets throughout the British Isles.
However, it could not be learned here if any Soviet IRBM's have shown up as yet in East Germany. The growing strategic importance of East Germany makes the chances of Moscow's consenting to German reunification through free elections more remote than ever.
Flanders Asks Comprehensive Plan
WASHINGTON, Nov. 24--Sen. Flanders (R-Vt.) called on President Eisenhower today to balance a projected speedup in missile production with a comprehensive plan for future world disarmament.
Flanders is a member of the Senate Armed Services Preparedness subcommittee which begins a public inquiry tomorrow into measures needed to bring this country abreast of Russia in space weapon developments.
He said in an interview that he hopes disarmament will not be lost sight of in the surge to match Russian advances.
Pope Cites Family Wishes
VATICAN CITY, Nov. 24--Pope Pius XII said today a doctor legitimately may halt artificial respiration for a dying patient in some cases if the patient's family requests it.
In such an event, the Pope said, the halting of artificial respiration would not be euthanasia--mercy killing--which would never be legitimate.
He noted that medical authorities must decide whether the ceasing of circulation represented the moment of death.
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