Yalies Receive 11 P.M. Parietal Hour


Yale upperclassmen can now entertain women in their rooms until 11 p.m. on all Saturdays, the Council of College Masters decided Sunday. The previous deadline had been 8 p.m.

The 11 p.m. sign-out will be extended to Friday evenings when there are no classes the following day.

According to the announcement, the plan is now "on trial," and may be revoked if the privilege is abused. In addition, the Masters instituted a stricter signing-in procedure, with consequently heavier penalties for violation.

This plan is an attempt to answer the persistent feeling that "for the average student there exists at Yale no Satisfactory means to entertain women guests informally in the evening." (The quote is from the student report on the subject.)

Gordon, S. Haight, Master of Pierson College, and chairman of the Council of Masters, explained the matter further:

"In extending the hours for entertaining women guests in the Colleges, hte Council of Masters believes that most undergraduates are mature enough to use the privilege wisely..."

The history of the movement for extension is significant to House residents, inasmuch as many of the steps are similar to ones taken here.

Yale's new plan first started last fall when the Council, i.e., House committee, of Saybrook College passed a resolution Calling for extension of hours to 9 p.m. on Friday and Saturday nights.

The Council of College Presidents (students) discussed and approved the plan and then returned it to the individual college councils for concurrance.

The issue generally subsided until after, the Christmas recess, when a representative of the Timothy Dwight College Council submitted a plan which would extend the sign-out hour to 12 midnight.

After approving the new time, the Council of Presidents again referred it back to the individual councils. Branford College's council further worked out and approved the plan and submitted it as a suggestion to Haight.

Now, for the first time, the plan was officially under consideration by the deciding faculty group-this was just before spring recess.

The Council of College Masters took the final step, approving the Brauford plan almost unchanged; most important alteration was moving the deadline to 11 p.m.

Yale's revision of its parietal rules is designed especially for the upperclassmen who have no fraternity in which to entertain their women guests. About 20 percent of Yale's upperclassmen are fraternity men.

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