Goering Suicide Beats Hangman In Nuremberg as Ten Nazis Die; Cards Triumph 4-3, Take Series

Over the Wire


NUREMBERG, October 16 -- Ten condemned Nazi ring leaders died on the gallows in the Nuremberg jail year today, but Hermann Goering, Adolph Hitler's No. 2 man, cheated the noose by swallowing poison in his cell before the death sentence was read to him.

Col B. C. Andrus, security chief for the prison, made this announcement relative to Goering:

"Goering was not hanged. He committed suicide at 6:45 p.m. (4.45 E.S.T.) last night by taking cyanide of potassium."

"He was discovered at once by the sentinel who watched and heard him make an odd noise and twitch," Andrus contined. "The sentinel called the doctor and chaplain who were in the corridor and who found him dying."

"There were pieces of glass in his mouth and an odor of cyanide on his breath."

Andrus announced that all other Nazis sentenced by the International Military Tribunal on October 1 for war crimes, crimes against peace, and crimes against humanity, were hanged.

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