Last week Sergeant George Avakian revealed to the stupied Cantabs that a subtle fifth-column invasion of Yale men had invaded Harvard Square. Now it is time to reveal another undermining influence in the very fortress of John Harvard; it is none other than the Princeton Tiger roaming rampant through the unguarded Common.

Yes, at last I feel called upon to come out plainly and say that I come to Harvard from Tiger town with fangs bared. From now on it is open war. John Harvard has been surprised by the blitz of the bulldog; now he is confronted with the tawny tiger.

Yet I predict that when the Yale-men row their eight oar shells up the Charles in their black derbies and Chesterfields they will find the place already laid waste by a most savage beer-suit clad attackers. Think not that you can escape, Fair Harvard, for the skinny finger of Radar points unerringly at you.

I know Sergeant Avakian from the old days (he was known as Jazzy George then) and I am not surprised to learn that he is leading the Elis in their invasion of Harvard.

He is an astute organizer, and the attack by the Yalies is certain to be well syncopated. No doubt they intend to jitterbug through the Common in a dance of victory.

In the track of the bulldog stalks the tiger. Jungle warfare comes to Cambridge, and bewildered John knows not which way to turn. We do not disclose our number or our plans--only that the attack will be swift and savage. Do not be surprised one morning if you find that Littauer Hall has been painted with orange and black stripes.

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