
Boston track fans should not lose heart at the prospect of fewer meets... the daily race of the Senior Class from Carpenter to Cowie Hall at twelve-thirty sharp is, in may respects, a compensating substitute. That which it lacks in organization is made up for in keeness of competition. After all, the incentive of a first place in the chow line can hardly be compared with the nebulous reward of breaking an IC4A Record, or winning a little tin medal.

However, to complicate the matter further, we might present a question as to motive. Is the vast majority of the contestants actually running toward Cowie, or merely through the operation of an escape mechanism, running away from Carpenters?

Another big weekend looms, and many student-officers, who claim they "just haven't felt quite right since that last big exam." are planning to board the New York train at one o'clock Saturday, in order to got a good rest. Apparently the prospect of a weekend in Manhattan, compared with the hustle and bustle of the School and Boston itself, seems calm in retrospect. Jim Carty points out just how hectic things are getting to be here, when he tells us that now he can scarcely run through a second chorus in the morning before (by popular request) he must vacate the shower to the next man.

Everyone who rides the Yankee Clipper however, is not seeking rest and relaxation..., Tony Fertita, who made the trip last Saturday, was on pins and needles all the way for fear he'd be late for his own wedding at St. Patrick's Cathedral, scheduled for six that evening. As might be expected, the train was late, but the bride forgave... and the ceremony went off as planned.

Earl Daibey is in constant touch with Philadelphia these days, and, we understand, has purchased quantities of cigars in anticipation of a coming event.

Most exciting moment occurred Monday evening when late diners and hangers-on at the mess hall were privileged to witness the geyser of water which burst forth from the starboard coffee urn.... A loud cheer went up in admiration of Miss Opal Bowers, of the Cowie Hall staff, who, heedless of losing that new curl, rushed into the torrential shower and closed the offending valve.

Bravo, Miss. Bowers, and a sincere hope that for your sake, the water-tight integrity of the urn will not again break down... Welcome to the new class of Specialists... and Congratulations to those who were directed by the recent Alnav to add new stripes

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