Swordsmen Conceded Even Odds With Columbia Today

Both Teams Weak; Littlefield Will Wield Epee Again


Rene Peroy's swordsmen are conceded about an even chance for a victory over the Columbia Lions in the Indoor Athletic Building at 3 o'clock this afternoon.

Rene himself said, "We ought to beat them of. . . " That "If" is the same it has been all season: the boys just never seem to look as good-on the strip against real opposition as they do in practice. If they had the season might well have been very different.

The Lions, with a weak win ever Princeton and losses to Yale and Army, have not shown much either, as today's meet will be a case of pulling one of the two teams out of the dumps. Columbia's defeat last night by M. I. T., too may give the Crimson some encouragement as M. I. T. barely outstripped Harvard on Wednesday, 14 to 13.

Paul Littlefield who performed very creditably against M. I. T., will be in the number three epee slot today. The rest of all three teams will be regular first-stringers. This is the last test for the Peroymen before the Yale meet on Wednesday.

The Yardlings will have their season's toughest today when they travel to Worcester Academy. The schoolboys have a good record which includes a win over Yale '43.

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