In a tentative reshuffling of his oarsmen yesterday Head Coach Tom Bolles announced a new Varsity line-up. Robinson Stevens moved up from No. 7 on the Jayvees to No. 7 on the Varsity.

John Clark switched from No. 7 to bow making the present varsity set-up: Coxwain, Eddie White; Stroke, Spike Chace; 7, Robinson Stevens; 6, Douglas Erickson; 5, John Gardiner; 4, Walter Kernan; 3, Dudley Talbot; 2, John Richards; Bow, John Clark.

Rowe Strokes Jayvees

The revised Jayvee shell now consists of: Bow, Harry Locke; 2, Buzz Hovey; 3, Dick Ninde; 4, John Senior; 5, Jack Radway; 6, Bill Huenekens; 7, Bill Dearborn; Stroke, Bill Rowe; Coxwain, Shortlidge.

After strenuous daily practice all during the Spring vacation, the Newell Boat House orasmen are now definitely shaping up.

Crew Improves

There has been a notable improvement in the crew this year as compared with last year's crew at the same time in the season. After his successful record last year, Tom Bolles has his feet on the ground. He's going into his second season at Harvard with renewed enthusiasm and a brilliant year's experience behind him.

Despite the fact that 7, 2, 4, bow, and the coxwain from the winning Crimson eight of last June have left college, Bolles has some excellent material. In today's first boat were Chace, Clark, Erickson, and Gardiner--all veterans from last year's great crew.

In the same boat were Walter Kernan, 6 with last year's freshmen; Dudley Talbot, 3 as last year; John Richards 4 on last year's freshmen; and Bill Dearborn, 7 in last year's Jayvees.

Average is 180

In their present boating they weigh a shade over 180, and only one man in the boat is under 6:03 in height. They are remarkably matched in height, three being 6:04, four 6:03 and one an even 6 feet.

Starting the season on April 30, the Crimson crewmen meet M. I. T. and Rutgers on the Charles. On May 7 comes the Compton Cup race against Princeton, M. I. T. and Syracuse at Princeton.

On May 14 Cornell, Syracuse and Tech race here; on May 21 occurs the Adams Cup event with Navy and Penn at Annapolis. Harvard faces Columbia at New York on May 28 before the Yale race on June 24.

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