Crimson Men Will Show Influence of Fathers And Oppose President in Poll, Says Curley

Harvard's Strong Republicans Too Powerful For Growing Group Of Liberals


James Michael Curley, the "Peoples' Choice," jovially asserted in an interview with the CRIMSON yesterday that "a poll taken by the students of Harvard University would not differ in any respect so far as a Democrat is concerned from a similar poll conducted by the Ward 17 Tammany Club so far as a Republican would be concerned. It does not require either the gift of prophecy or occultism to determine very definitely the result of such a poll."

Mr. Curley went on to state that "although there is undoubtedly a liberal movement in Harvard, children usually reflect the opinions of their parents, and for a student to attend Harvard University of necessity means that his parents must enjoy some degree of affluence, as well as influence, and in this state the affluence, as well as the influence, have always been identified with the Republican party."

The ex-mayor, who himself matriculated in the school of hard knocks, was then asked what was the value of a college education. "Well," was his earnest comment, "I know of nothing that is of more value to an individual in the field of politics or any other field than a college education, and it is most unfortunate that our social and economic system is so out of gear that in proportion to the number there are more A.B. college men out of work all the time than there are laborers."

As a parting shot, Mr. Curley contributed the remark that "although politics is one of the most worthwhile fields a young man can enter, in proportion to the energy and talent expended it is the most poorly paid."

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