News from the Houses

Volume Bound in Human Skin Included In Miniature Collection


Plans for House entertainments, recently announced, include tea dances in Adams, Dunster, and Lowell Houses, and the inauguration of weekly dinners in John Winthrop and Kirkland Houses, at which time various authorities will talk to interested undergraduates. Dress at these dinners will be informal, and the talks will be given in the common rooms afterwards.

John Winthrop Dinners

John Winthrop House will dine as a body on Thursday evenings, Assistant Professor R. M. Ferry '12 states. In addition to having various members of the Faculty as guests, tutors and associates will be encouraged to bring their friends and students from other units will be welcome as guests. About once a month distinguished visitors will be invited to these dinners, and a number of undergraduates, chosen more or less at random, but with some regard to their particular interests, will sit at the staff table. President Karl Taylor Compton of M. I. T. will be the guest of honor on Thursday, October 29.

Tea will be served in the Junior common room after the Texas game. Residents and Associates of Winthrop, together with their guests, are invited; the charge will be $.25. Announcement has also been made of the appointment of George Wightman '34 as Sophomore member of the House Committee.

Dress at the dinners will be informal as a rule. Professors J. H. Williams '18 and H. H. Burbank are among the Faculty members who are expected to be present at dinners in the near future.

Kirkland House Gatherings

No definite night has been chosen for the gatherings in Kirkland House, Assistant Professor E. A. Whitney '17 states. Informal dinners will be held from time to time, however, with probably occasional formal dinners as well. Various authorities on subjects of interest to the undergraduates will be invited to these affairs and will speak in the Common room afterwards.

A tea dance will be held after the Texas game for residents of Adams House and their guests. Invitations have already been extended to members of the Harvard and Texas teams. Music will be furnished by the Gold Coast orchestra, and refreshments, will be served during the course of the dance. Tickets may be procured from E. A. Locke '32 at E-42, or from A. H. Stebbins '32 at A-21.

A Dunster House committee headed by Robert Saltonstall, Jr. '33 is in charge of plans for two tea dances for House members and their guests, to be held in the dining room after the Dartmouth and Yale games.

As announced previously, tea dances will be given in the undergraduate common room of Lowell House following the Texas, Dartmouth, and Yale games. They will be open only to members of the House.

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