Austrian, German Church Art Will Show at German Museum

Clerical Vestments, Chalices Recently Exhibited at Chicago Fair


An exhibition of modern German and Austrian church art, characterized by Dr. Charles L. Kuhn, curator of the Germanic Museum, as "the grand splurge of the season" will open at the museum on February 3. The collection, originally brought to the United States for viewing at the Century of Progress Exposition in Chicago, will be returned to Europe after it has been seen at the Museum of the University of Rochester, and at the Germanic Museum.

The pieces of the exhibition range in size from huge altars to small crucifixes. Vestments of the clergy, chalices, stained glass, mosaics, and other pieces which play a part in religious worship have all been gathered to depict the trend of modern Austro-Germanic church design. Models and photographs serve as a background.

The Germanic Museum enjoys the distinction of being one of the three places in this country to show this very complete collection of Ecclesiastical objects.

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