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Today's visit of the cadets in Boston and cambridge marks the second time in history that such a visit has taken place, and the first time since 107 years ago. According to somewhat indifferent records the only other time that the cadets have been in Boston en masse was in 1821, when a corps of 235 marched up the Hudson and over the mountains from the plains of west Point, a hike of some 250 miles. Unlike the trip last night when all were protected in luxurious sleeping case, the corps of 1821 weathered in their tents and lean-tos varying degrees of clemency. Much of the trip, according to the newspaper account published in the Boston commercial Gazette of August 9 1821, was made in adverse weather conditions. On the last trip to Boston the cadets were presented with two standards by the selectmen on behalf of the city and state. Today a special flag will be awarded the corps on behalf of the City of Boston by Mayor Malcolm E. Nichols '99, and the Commonwealth of Massachusetts will mark the occasion by presenting the cadets with two new flag staffs.
The article expressing the favorable impression the last corps of cadets visiting Boston gave newspaper men, follows:
Encamped on Common
"This interesting battalion, composed of the students of the National Military Academy, arrived in this town on Tuesday forenoon, and encamped on the Common. Their progress to Framingham we have already noticed. Early on Monday morning they continued their march for the capital.
"They breakfasted at Needham, having performed a march of nine miles in three hours, including a halt of twenty minutes. About ten o'clock, they again halted at Richard's for twenty minutes; and reached the termination of the Worcester turnpike about half past eleven, where they were received by the Norfolk Guards and escorted to the high ground opposite the residence of General H. A. S. Dearborn, where they encamped, and which gave them a full view of Boston.
"They afterwards partook of the general's hospitality at a sumptuous repast prepared under an extensive marquee on his grounds. The Cadets retired at an early hour, and the other company were entertained, and the evening enlivened with the performances of the excellent Cadet band, assisted by a band from Fort Independence.
Officially Welcomed
"On Tuesday morning at nine o'clock, agreeable to arrangements made, and with military punctuality, the Cadets were at the southern barrier of the town, on the Neck. Here they were met by the Board of selectmen, who had descended from their carriages, and were attended by the Police Officer, and his assistants. Major worth, also having dismounted, was addressed by Mr. williams, chairman of the board, and his corps welcomed to the town in the most cordial manner.
"The handsome cavalcade, which had before escorted the selectmen to the line, was then reorganized by the marshals of the day; and the corps (followed by the selectmen and citizens, in carriages), was conducted to their place of encampment on the Common. On passing the line, a salute of artillery was fired by the Boston Artillery, under Capt. Lobdel, and the Cadets were greeted by an immense collection-of citizens of country and town, which the occasion had brought together. The salute was also repeated when the corps entered their encampment.
"The crowds of people assembled in the streets through which the procession passed were unusually great.
"After relieving guard, the marshals of the day bore the invitation of the selectmen to the corps, to partake of a collation provided in Concert Hall, and conducted them thither--the Cadets wearing their side-arms only, and marching to the music of their full band.
"The rank and file, and musicians of this corps, we learn, amount to 235; and we also learn that every one of them who left West Point well, was in good health when the corps entered the town, after a march of nearly 250 miles, over a mountainous country, and having for the most part of the time very bad weather. What we have seen of their police, movements, manual and position satisfies us that the high praise bestowed upon them in every place through which they have passed has been realized, and fully justifies the best expectations of the public.
"The Cadets' encampment on the Common is an area of five hundred feet square, located between the Great Elm and the Old Mall.
"One of the youths of the excellent corps now our guests is a son of the celebrated chief of the Creek nation, well known for his martial achievements and attachment to the cause of the United States. The Cadets's name is David Maniac, from Alabama.
"Two rich and elegant standards will be presented to the Corps of Cadets on Saturday, next, by the selectmen, at the State House, in presence of the Governor, and other State and municipal officers; after which a collation will be given at Faneuil Hall.
Bevy of Ladies Present
"The evening parade of the Cadets, now encamped on the common, was visited on Tuesday and last evening by a numerous bevy of ladies. The scene must have been highly interesting, both from the transient object of their visit, and the brilliant surrounding scenery of the horizon, but a still greater interest and feeling would be excited in visiting the camp at sunrise, when the reveille is beat.
And when Aurora, fair daughter of morn,
Sprinkles with rosey light, the dewey lawn.
"The discipline of the Cadets, while at the academy, is extremely rigid. Ten months in the year are devoted to their studies, two of which are exclusively devoted to the study of tactics. They are excluded from all society except that of the corps. As evidence of the rigid discipline and requirements, we perceive by the Register of the Officers and Cadets, that out of 210 cadets who are examined at the general examination in June last forty-eight were found deficient and turned back to recommence the studies of their perspective classes.
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