September 15 Set for Beginning Two Years Ago--Actual Execution of Plan Inferior to Theory


Widespread dissatisfaction with the present ruling that prevents early football training at Harvard, Yale, and Princeton may lead to an abandonment of the policy, according to recent indications.

Athletic authorities at Yale have expressed emphatic disapproval of the agreement that fixes September 15 as the starting date for football training. These critics declare that the long list of injured players that hampered the development of the Blue gridiron machine was due to the brief period allowed for proper conditioning. It is felt that when such gruelling tests as the Dartmouth game come so early in the fall, a longer period of time should be allotted to get the players into fit condition to meet the ordeal of battle.

Would Start a Week Earlier

Commenting on the matter yesterday to a CRIMSON reporter, F. W. Moore '93, graduate treasurer of the H. A. A., expressed his personal opinion that the agreement should be changed. "A start of even a week earlier would infinitely benefit the players," he remarked. "The longer, period would enable the coaches to make the training process more gradual and less arduous. Under the present arrangement, with a scant ten days before the opening game, intensive training is entered into at once, and is carried on at an exhausting pace throughout the season. An earlier training date would obviate the need for hurry, render the training less intensive, and result in better physical condition of the players, who are often worn out by the hard training of the season.

"When the plan to limit training periods was first produced. I was in favor of it. But I have since seen that the practice of the plan is inferior to the theory, and that the increase in injuries and other evils attendant upon its continuance argue its abandonment. The integrity of the present training system defeats the very purpose of training.

Two years ago, when the campaign against overemphasis of football was at its height, committees from the Big Three met and decided to begin all football training not earlier than September 15. Keene Fitzpatrick, Princeton trainer, T. A. D. Jones, Yale Coach, and athletic leaders at the University were against the plan but it has been in force during the last two seasons, with more or less disastrous results to the football teams.

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