Anyone wholeheartedly interested in undergraduate life at Harvard must necessarily stamp with his approval the proposed and now accepted plan of amalgamating the Hasty Pudding Club and the Institute of 1770, D. K. E. Any such practical scheme of simplifying the present club system is a step in the right direction.

Both the Pudding and the Dickey as now constituted long ago outwore their usefulness. Neither is serving its intended purpose as a general social club actually frequented by its members who are otherwise separated in different organizations. Debt has been slowly strangling the former while a lack of vitality has made the latter more and more impotent. Tradition alone has kept both alive, tradition carried out mechanically from a sense of duty, with no thought as to that purpose of the club which should justify its existence.

There is vast hope for this new child of antique parentage. Many men have felt that their friendships of Freshman years have been stifled and killed by segregation into small and circumscribed groups. The proposed amalgamation is apparently an attempt to alleviate this situation and to promote more genial association; as such it deserves general support.

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