Even Tiddlety-winks.


To the Editors of the CRIMSON:

"It was with amazement and with a sense of incredulity" that we read yesterday's communication in the CRIMSON entitled "An Indignant Challenge." While we hold no brief for Mr. Humphries, and would oppose the introduction of Bolshevism into the country by any means, constitutional or otherwise, we feel that the framers of the Constitution of the United States, if they could have taken the communication seriously, must have had Freudian nightmares on recollecting their own insignificant words: "Congress shall make no law . . . abridging the freedom of speech or of press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble . . ."

Can the authors of the communication, mature graduates, seriously contend that a speaker is "insidiously subtle" who opens his address with the frank statement that he is a Bolshevist? Have the authors of the communication, when they assert that the United States is "internally and externally at war" with Russia, forgotten that power to declare war is vested only in Congress?

The writers of yesterday's communication excell Metternich in his own "rayon" in their apparent illiberalism and intolerance. In our humble opinion the College buildings should be free to lectures on tiddledy-winks or any other subject students may care to listen to, so long as open violence is not preached. If outside speakers are needed to stir the students from their lethargy into active discussion of the great problems facing the world, by all means let them come! FREDERIC K. BULLARD '20   JOHN U. NEF '20   JOSEPH L. GAVIT '21   JOHN COWLES '21   HENRY W. HARRIS, JR., '20.   RICHARD P. HALLOWELL '20   ROBERT L. FINLEY '21   CHARLES F. FULLER Occ.,   JAMES G. KING, JR., '20   LLOYD K. GARRISON 1L.   F. U. PERRY '21

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