Boston Office Will Now Have Physical Examination for Reserve.


The enlistments of members of the University in the Naval Reserve has been greatly facilitated by the establishment of an examining and enrolling station at the office of the Naval Training Association, 42 Water street, Boston. J. M. Edgar, Surgeon U. S. Navy, has been detailed as physical examiner, and Lieutenant Commander A. R. Cushing as enrolment officer. Before this the men wishing to enroll had to go to the Boston office to make preliminary enrolment and then make appointments for physical examinations at the Charlestown Navy Yard before the final enlistment. By means of the present arrangement, the physical examination and the enrolment take place at the same place and the enlistment can be made in a short time. The office is open for this enrolment on every week day from 9 to 5 o'clock.

Members of the University are especially needed for the fourth class of the Naval Reserve Force--the Naval Coast Defence Reserve. This division is a Naval District proposition. The First District is the local one. It extends from Eastport, Me., to Chatham on the Cape. Captain Rush is in charge of this district and has power to enroll anybody who would be useful on the war slate of his naval district. This embraces patrol boats, civil engineers, structural engineers, mechanical engineers, etc.

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