Variety in Graduates' Magazine

A wide variety of subject-matter characterizes the March issue of the Graduates' Magazine. In addition to the usual faculty and student news, the number contains the President's annual report and ten special articles of collegiate significance. The military spirit comes in for its share of the discussion in "From a Graduate's Window" by an unrevealed author, and "Harvard and Military Training" by J. A. L. Blake '02. The former vindicates the purpose of the Regiment with the remark that "Harvard men realize that the College is only of value as it serves the nation." The latter favors enlistment in the militia, with the University courses and Plattsburg as supplementary work. Mr. Blake evidently considers the college man a distinct specie, for he says, "The College man will meet in the militia... many men of a different type from his, and that on a footing of absolute equality." The college man who needs to look for institutions to create "a footing of absolute equality" is comparatively rare. His plan, however, possesses its meritorious features.

The Reverend Samuel A. Eliot '84 pays a high tribute to the work of Thomas Mott Osborne '81 in an article entitled "An Exponent of Harvard Spirit." Mr. Osborne's ideas on prison reform are not new but he has had the courage to push them in the face of strong political opposition. He incurred the enmity of the "bosses" because "he carried about with him too much moral dynamite."

The work being carried on at the Fogg Art Museum is set forth by Paul J. Sachs '00, assistant director of the museum. Recent enterprise in securing loans and permanent acquisitions has made the Fogg Museum doubly effective in its cultivation of the appreciation of true art. Mr. Sachs points out a field here which might well prove stimulative to more than the usual devotees of art. Too often exhibits are neglected by the students through pure inertia and ignorance.

The formation and work of the Associated Harvard Clubs is treated by C. Bard '01. The outstanding feature of this work is the impetus towards a national enrolment which has been given the University.

Along with the CRIMSON and the Union, the Graduates' Magazine discusses the choice of a profession in an article by Dr. A. B. Emmons 2d., '98, "How Medical School Graduates Fare." Dr. Emmons points out the desirability of first of all knowing for what one has an aptitude and a liking. He suggests that a young doctor work at first with older men before assuming complete responsibility, and that the element of team work play a more prominent part in the profession.

"Student Politics in Anti-Federalist Days," by the Honorable Charles Warren '89, gives an interesting account of how students attempted to participate in Cambridge politics over 100 years ago. Other complications than the difficulty of registration existed in those days.

"The Spiritual History of Divinity Hall," by the Reverend F. G. Peabody '69, "The Hill Professorship of Transportation" by the eminent authority, Howard Elliott '81, and "The Final Extension of the Franchise to Vote for Overseers" by G. B. Shattuck '63 completes the list of special features. The number merits a careful perusal from cover to cover, as its material is not only interesting but instructive.

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