Coach Winsor Dissatisfied With Showing in B. A. A. Game.


Coach Winsor was very much dissatisfied with the showing of the University team in the game with the B. A. A. last Saturday and told the men today that there were so many faults that it was hard to pick them out. He took most of the forwards and gave them individual instruction in shooting and kept them at it for a considerable time. His criticism of the defence of the regular team was more favorable, but that part of the team is not yet perfected.

The major part of the hour and a half was taken up with a long scrimmage between teams A and B which the regulars won 3 to 0. Captain Morgan worked the puck up the rink near the start of the practice and passed to T. H. Rice '17 who scored. The other two goals were by G. A. Percy '18, whose shooting was a little better than last week. His shots still do not leave his stick soon enough so that he follows through to much which tends to make the puck go high.

T. C. Thacher '18 is improving as a defensive player, but although he goes into the game hard and knows what he is trying to do, he is still uncertain in his playing. He is a fast back and uses his stick well, but fails to take advantage of all his openings. The exceptionally poor ice tended to slow him up as well as the rest of the squad and make real team play difficult.

The team will play the Boston Hockey Club in the Arena tomorrow evening at 8.15 o'clock in the second game of the season. The Boston Hockey Club is a new aggregation, organized this year by P. H. Smart '14 and containing in its line-up former captain W. H. Claflin '15 and A. F. Doty '16. The team is not a fast one but has been able to defeat or hold the University in the several scrimmages between the two sevens. The Hockey Club defeated team C in a practice game by the score of 2 to 1 yesterday afternoon but the showing of both teams was ragged. Admission to the game tomorrow will be at 50 cents, 75 cents and one dollar.

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