President Maclaurin Has Named June 14 as Day for Formal Dedication of New Buildings.


The tentative outline of the dedication ceremonies of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology has been set forth to members of the Alumni Association by the chairman of the committee of arrangements. Already President Macluarin has announced the date of the academic ceremony of receiving the keys of the new Technology to be June 14, and at this time there will be gathered in Boston the members of the M. I. T. Alumni Association, and the delegates to the annual meeting of Technology Clubs Associated, a federation whose members are in the great cities of the Orient as well as the Occident.

The alumni group reach thousands, and 1800 students will still be in the Institute when the other groups begin together. In addition delegates from many institutions will be present. Thus there will be three gatherings, each with its own program.

On June 12 the alumni will gather in Huntington Hall for a farewell to the Rogers Building, which is for nearly half the alumni the only Technology that they knew as students. In the afternoon it is proposed to have a motor boat service from the Boston side, approaching the new buildings from that point of view that shows them most effectively, the Basin, and on landing there will be undergraduates guides to show the visitors the new halls, classrooms and laboratories. The day will also be the culminating point of the student exercises of Senior week. The various visitors and alumni exercises will continue until Wednesday, June 14, when the dedication exercises and the acceptance of the new Technology by the president and corporation will take place.

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