Blue Defense Is Much Improved However and Held Well Against Brown's Shifty Attack.


On Saturday Yale lost for the fourth time this season to one of the smaller colleges. Brown winning by the score of 3 to 0. It was not, however, the fact that another defeat has been added to Yale's list that was as discouraging to Yale as that Shevlin and all the other coaches who have been called in to help the team, appear to have accomplished little in improving the team's actual scoring power. It must be remembered, however, that the new system has only had a few days trial, and a different quality of football may be expected a week from now.

Critical Period for Blue.

The last week was considered the critical period for Yale. It was freely admitted by Yale coaches that there must be rapid strides in football knowledge from fundamentals to finished team-play if Yale is to be a worthy contender in the Princeton game next Saturday.

At the beginning of the game, Shevlin's variation of the Minnesota shift seemed to bewilder Brown. Yale started off with an attack that gained 62 yards, taking the ball right up to Brown's goal-posts; but there it stopped, and the shift was abandoned until the last quarter, when it proved unavailing.

For the most part, the play of Yale seemed to be that of eleven individuals who were trying to accomplish in their own way what could be done only by eleven men working as a unit. Only one lateral pass was completed, and that, strangely enough, lost five yards. Yale's new shifty attack, on the other hand, with good interference, shows promise, when the team grasps more fully the fundamental work of charging and tackling. Another week or two of this sort of drilling should produce a marked change in the power of Yale's team. The team's defensive play was the best that Yale has shown this season. While it was not the improvement that many of Yale's followers hoped for, there was more strength than in the Colgate game. Though unsteady at times, the defense pulled together at the critical moments and denied Brown the touchdown which her superior rushing seemed to justify.

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