Remodeled and Enlarged Building Will be Dedicated With Formal Ceremony Today.


The Harvard Club of New York City will celebrate its fiftieth anniversary today by formal dedication of the remodeled and enlarged clubhouse on Forty-fourth street. At 7 o'clock there will be a dinner, with the club's president, Amory G. Hodges '74, presiding, the guests being ex-presidents of the club, President Eliot and President Lowell and the Board of Overseers and Members of the Corporation of the University. At 9 o'clock the turning over of the clubhouse by the building committee to the members will take place in the presence of the whole club, with dedicatory and reminiscent addresses. Of those who signed the original call for the club's foundation only one survives, James H. Fay '59, of Brookline. It is not known yet whether he can attend. The call was dated October 31, 1865.

The building has a three-story Georgian facade, of Harvard brick, laid in Flemish band, like that of the Harvard gates, with limestone trim. The Colonial porch, the white door with its brass knocker and fanlight, along with the iron railing on the balcony above tipped with brass knobs, all add unusual features to the "street of clubs." Harvard Hall, heart of the club, formerly the dining room, now the lounge, has been pronounced the noblest and one of the most beautiful rooms in America.

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