The University cross-country team will race the Cornell team over the Belmont course this morning at 11 o'clock. Cornell presents the strongest front in years perhaps ever in the history of the sport at Ithaca. Her injured men are back in condition and will start the race.

Cornell's line-up will be as follows: C. L. Beckwith, F. S. Burke, J. W. Campbell, Jr., J. C. Corwith, A. R. Eldred, D. F. Boynton, S. A. Greene, D. F. Potter, Jr., E. I. Tinkham, L. V. Windnagle, J. S. Hoffmire.

For the University K. E. Fuller '16, has been doing well. A week ago he finished second to Moore, the Technology runner. King, the only man from last year's winning Freshman team available for running this fall, comes second. He appears to be developing into a good runner but is comparatively green, today's contest being his first big race. Captain Twitchell '16 is third. He is reliable and steady, and is sure to give a good account of himself. R. H. Davison '16, one of the four members left from last year's team has been hampered so far by a strained ankle but he seems to have returned to form, leading the squad in on a two-mile run a few days ago. A. R. Bancroft '17, is the only other who ran in the intercollegiates last year. He is a hard worker but not brilliant. The rest are spending their first season on a University team and so far have had little chance to show their worth in a big race.

The University will line-up in the following order: K. E. Fuller '16, G. A. King '18, Captain R. T. Twitchell '16, H. R. Bechtel '17, R. W. Babcock '17, C. J. North '17, R. S. Cook '17, A. R. Bancroft '17, W. P. Whitehouse, 2d, '17, R. H. Davison '16, G. A. Hughes '16, H. S. Boyd '17.

1919 Will Have Hard Race.

The 1919 cross-country team meets Worcester Academy in a dual meet over the three and one-half mile course at Worcester.

The squad has lunch at the Varsity Club at 11 o'clock and will take the 12.05 o'clock train from Trinity Place, arriving at Worcester at 1.30.

The race starts at 2.30. The team has been working hard this past week and has improved considerably, but outside of Captain Hutchinson none has had much experience in cross-country racing.

Worcester has its usual strong team and a hard contest is expected. After the race the Freshmen will be the guests of the Worcester team at the Worcester U. of P. 1919 football game.

As the result of the time trial Wednesday the following men have been entered to start: J. M. Greene, D. Hutchinson (captain), E. H. Kelton, C. W. Lippitt, R. L. Small, H. T. Sears, C. S. Swaa G. H. Tilgham, R. T. Whitehouse.Back Row: Left to Right--J. C. Merriam '16, R. T. Catterall '18, E. H. Walker '18, L. V. Alexis '18, H. F. Eastman '16, G. A. Furness '18, F. M. Currier '17, R. F. Boyce '18. Middle Row--W. W. Kenny '17, R. W. Babcock '17, C. J. North '17, A. R. Bancroft '17, W. P. Whitehouse, 2d, '17, G. A. Hughes '16, G. A. Howe '18, E. McC. Peters '16, Front Row--K. E. Fuller '16, R. T. Twitchell '16 (captain), H. L. M. Cole '16, H. Boyd '17, R. H. Davison '16, A. Shrubb (coach). University Cross-Country Squad Which Meets Cornell Today.

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