Discussion on "Hockey as a Major Sport" in the Union Tonight at 9.--Large Attendance Urged.


The fourth University Forum will be held in the Dining Room of the Union this evening at 9 o'clock. It will be conducted under the direction of the Union and Speakers' Club and as usual, only members of those organizations will be admitted. "Hockey as a Major Sport" will be discussed at this meeting and any action the Student Council may take on the question will be guided to a large extent on the basis of the opinion expressed. H. B. Gardner '13, captain of the hockey team, C. T. Abeles '13, captain of the crew, J. B. Cummings '13, captain of the track team, and A. J. Lowrey '13, president of the Student Council will lead the discussion. It is hoped that a large number of men will attend and aid in the final decision of a question which has been informally debated in the University for some years past.

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