Injudicious Publicity.



[We invite all men in the University to submit communications on subjects of timely interest.]

To the Editors of the CRIMSON:

I quote a passage from an article, written by a Harvard undergraduate, that appeared in last Saturday's Boston Transcript, the object of which apparently was to maliciously criticise all dramatic institutions in Cambridge.

"The HARVARD CRIMSON, daily paper to the University and dispenser of advertisements that those who run to 'nine-o'clocks' may read, came forth Thursday morning with an editorial on 'Dramatics at Harvard' sandwiched into a page of frantic commercial appeals from people who make the sort of breakfast food that produces brain tissue and the sort of cigarette 'that every college boy smokes.' And the CRIMSON--or as it is affectionately known at Harvard, 'The Crime'--informed its readers that, however the college graduate flourished on Broadway, the state of dramatics--and by this it meant principally acting--within the undergraduate body itself was in a very terrible condition."

We have, I am sure, enough evidences of the evils of petty jealousies, and inane controversies concerning the different relationships that prevail at Harvard, without having an undergraduate trample the name of a Harvard institution in the dirt before the Boston public. Whether his statements are true or not, is not the question. But it rather seems to me that the general good of the University and the worthiness of its name should be more earnestly protected by all its members than to allow such an undignified statement to be made about any of its institutions. This is especially true of an institution, the service of which--howsoever it may be performed--plays such an important part in the activities of the University. G. E. J. '11.

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