On December 27 With Speeches by Pres. Eliot and Dr. E. W. Emerson.


Emerson Hall, the new building of the Department of Philosophy, was formally opened Wednesday afternoon, December 27. The occasion was that of the annual meeting of the American Philosophical and the American Psychological Associations, which held their first meetings in the Hall Wednesday morning for the discussion of papers. After the luncheon, given by the Corporation, in the Living Room of the Union, the exercises began. Professor Munsterberg presided, and addresses were made by President Eliot and by Dr. Edward Waldo Emerson, son of the philosopher. President Eliot paid a tribute to Emerson as a poet and a prophet, an American in the broadest sense, in whose writings we find ideals of government as well as of learning. His name is, therefore, appropriate to this University, and to this department of the University.

Professor Munsterberg, in introducing Dr. Emerson, mentioned the necessity for the union of idealism and realism, a union which he hoped, he said, Emerson Hall would represent.

Dr. E. W. Emerson then spoke of his father first of all as a philosopher, and then in his relations to Harvard.

After the exercises the Philosophical and psychological Associations held a joint debate on the "Affiliation of Psychology with Philosophy and the Natural Sciences."

In the evening President M. W. Calkins of the Psychological Association made her annual address. A reception by Professor and Mrs. Munsterberg closed the day. On Thursday the reading and discussion of papers was resumed and Professor J. Dewey, president of the Philosophical Association, made his address. There was a smoker for the two societies in the evening in the Union. After the last meeting on Friday Professor J. Royce gave a dinner for the senior members of the two societies in the Trophy Room of the Union.

Emerson Hall was built with money raised by the Department of Philosophy. Its general type of architecture is Greek, and it corresponds in effect with Robinson Hall. On the first floor is a large lecture room for elementary courses in philosophy, and six smaller rooms. On the second floor are the psychological and sociological, libraries, the museum of social ethics, a working room for students, and a lecture room. The third floor is the psychological laboratory of 25 rooms. The interior of the building is finished in white plaster, dark pine, and oak.

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