The International Track Meet.


The Harvard and Yale joint track team which will compete against Oxford and Cambridge in the international meet at the Queen's Club, London, on July 23, will sail for England July 6, on the "Peutonic," from New York. This will be the third international track meet between Harvard and Yale and Oxford and Cambridge. The first meet, held at the Queen's Club in 1899, was won by the English team by the score of 5 to 4. In 1901, however, in a return meet held at Berkeley Oval. New York, the American team won decisively by a score of 6 to 3, the score in each case being made on the basis of one point for each event. In both meets the Americans won the 120-yard hurdles, the 100-yard dash, the high jump and the hammer threw, but lost the 880-yard, the mile, and the two-mile runs.

The following men will represent the University in England:

100-yard dash--W.A. Schick, Jr., '05.

400-yard run--E.J. Dives '06.

880-yard run--H.B. Young '04.

Two-mile run--A. King 1L., W.A. Colwell 3G.

120-yard hurdles--F.W. Bird 1L.

High jump--F.M. Murphy 1L.

Broad jump--D.R. Ayres '05.

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