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Acting on authority given by the trustees of the Rhodes Scholarships, President Eliot has designated the following persons to serve as the Committee of Selection for the Commonwealth of Massachusetts; Charles W. Eliot, chairman; George H. Martin, Secretary of the State Board of Education; Arthur I. Fiske, Head Master of the Boston Latin School; Rev. Endicott Peabody, Head Master of Groton School, and William K. Denison, Professor of Latin, Tufts College.
One scholarship at the University of Oxford for the period of residence beginning with Michaelmas Term in the second week of October, 1904, is to be awarded by the committee, the scholar to be elected from those who shall have passed the qualifying examination. The stipend as fixed by the founder is *300 per annum, and the tenure is "for three consecutive academical years," the payments to be made quarterly.
Candidates must fulfil the following conditions to the satisfaction of the committee, whose rulings on questions of eligibility will be final: (1) They must be citizens of the United States. (2) They must be not less than nineteen nor more than twenty-five years of age on October 1, 1904. (3) They must be unmarried. (4) They must have completed by the end of the current academic year or in an earlier year, at least the first two years' work in some recognized degree-granting university or college of the United States. (5) They must either have fulfilled the last-mentioned condition in a university or college situated in Massachusetts, or, if elsewhere, they must show that they have their home in Massachusetts. Candidates throughout the United States may choose whether they will apply for the scholarship of the state in which they have acquired their educational qualification, or for that of the state in which they have their home. They must present themselves for examination in the state they select, and no candidate may apply in more than one state. (6) They must notify the chairman of the committee on or before April 6, 1904, of their intention to present themselves for the qualifying examination. (7) They must pay in cash to the supervising examiner on the first day of the examination a fee of five dollars.
The qualifying examination for Massachusetts will be held at Boston University, 12 Somerset street, on April 13 and 14, at 9.30 A.M. As the examination is not competitive, but is intended to assure the University of Oxford that candidates who pass it are qualified to enter on a course of study at that University, it will be based on the requirements for Responsions--the first examination exacted by the University from candidates for a degree. The Examiners at Oxford will report to the Committee of Selection the names of those who pass the qualifying examination, and the Committee will elect a Rhodes Scholar from those whose names are thus reported.
For copies of this announcement and for further information application should be made to the Chairman of the Committee of Selection, 5 University Hall.
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