Football at Yale.


The Yale team enters its final week of practice before the game with Princeton in rather poor physical condition. This has proved a serious impediment to the development of the team as a whole. Acting on Mr. Murphy's advice the university team was given a complete rest last Wednesday, only signal practice being attempted, and on Thursday, and Friday the work was also of the lightest character. Many of the men had begun to show signs of too much hard playing and the let up of last week was undoubtedly beneficial. Holt, Glass, Goss, Hogan, and Metcalf were all in danger of becoming over-trained. Kinney was kept out of the line-up throughout the week's practice by an injury to his knee.

Considering the short time remaining before the championship games the team is in an unusually unsettled condition. Shevlin, Wilhelmi, Raferty and Coffin are still fairly evenly matched at the ends, with the chances slightly favoring the first two named. The injury to Kinney has kept him from practice at a time, when he needed it most, owing to inexperience in the position. Hamlin, who took Kinney's place at left tackle, has not made a remarkable showing and it may still be necessary to move Shevlin back to this position. No change is liable to occur at the guards or centre. Metcalf has been tried at right halfback, but this change is hardly expected to be permanent. Winslow will be the regular quarterback in case the coaches should decide to move Metcalf. Ward has played right halfback throughout the season but last week marked a falling off in the quality of his play. Allen and Vander Poel are prominent candidates for this position. The latter has proved himself throughout the week's practice to be the most reliable punter on the squad. His general work has also improved. Whether Bowman or Farmer will play fullback is still an unsettled question. Bowman was given the preference in the West Point game but did not make a very impressive showing. It must be remembered, however, that it was his first important game and better things are expected of him. Farmer plays consistently but is handicapped by his inability to punt and his lack of weight. Captain Chadwick maintains the high grade of football which has characterized his playing throughout the year.

Yale is by no means confident of winning the Princeton game. The falling off in the play of the entire team at a time when improvement was confidently looked for is disappointing to the coaches. It is feared that Yale's predicted superiority in the line will not materialize and if Princeton is able to out-kick Yale as expected, the teams to say the least should be very evenly matched.

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