Exeter-Andover Baseball Game.


The first game of baseball which has taken place since 1893 between Exeter and Andover Academies will be played at Exeter on Saturday, June 12, at 3 o'clock, and it is hoped that many Exeter and Andover men now at Harvard will be able to attend.

Both schools have unusually strong teams and a close game may be expected. Andover has played rather the better ball so far. In the game with Yale on May 14 Andover was only beaten by the score of 7 to 6, which shows that the school team must be an exceptionally strong one.

The record of the Exeter team for the season is as follows:

Exeter 6, Tufts 8.

Exeter 18, Hopkinson 5.

Exeter 7, Boston College 10.

Exeter 22, English High 9.

Exeter 3, College 5.

Exeter 2, Harvard 1900 19.

Exeter 8, Vermont Academy 0.

Exeter 4, Harvard Second 3.

Exeter 14, N. H. Agricultural College 0.

Exeter 5, Somerville High 4.

The Andover record is:

Andover 2, Brown 15.

Andover 7, Craigs of Lowell 6.

Andover 6, Dartmouth 15.

Andover 18, Groton 0.

Andover 6, Yale 1900 2.

Andover 27, Mt. Hermon Academy 3.

Andover 6, Yale 7.

Andover 16, Worcester Polytechnic 2.

Andover 0, Princeton 10.

Andover 6, Lawrenceville 9.

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