Officers Elected and a Constitution Adopted Yesterday.


A meeting of the Harvard Golf Club was held yesterday afternoon in Upper Dane at which officers were elected, and a constitution adopted. The officers are: President J. H. Choate '97; secretary and treasurer, J. F. Curtis '99, and an executive committee composed of the president and secretary, ex-officio, Stoughton Bell L. S., F. Curtis '98 and W. B. Cutting '00. A club captain, to take charge of the team, will be elected later on, probably not until playing has begun.

J. H. Choate, as chairman of the meeting, read aloud the constitution submitted by the committee chosen to draw it up, and several amendments were made. In brief, it states that the membership shall be open to all members of the University and that the purpose of the association shall be to promote and control the golfing interests of the University. It provides for the election of officers, for amending the constitution, and states that the dues shall be determined each year by a vote of the club.

After the constitution had been adopted, a report from the delegates to the meeting at the Ardsley Casino was called for. W. B. Cutting 1900 reported that at the meeting an Intercollegiate Golf Association had been formed, with provisional officers and constitution which were left to be ratified by the golf clubs of the universities represented. The constitution was read aloud and the club ratified it and approved the officers as follows: President, R. Terry of Yale; secretary and treasurer, J. H. Choate of Harvard; an executive committee consisting of the president and secretary, ex-officio, Bayard of Princeton, Morris of Columbia, and Winsor of Pennsylvania.

The following men enrolled yesterday as members: R. B. Stone '98, Stoughton Bell L. S., R. J. Dunham '99, R. P. Bellows '99, W. M. Tyler '99, F. R. Plumb '99, E. Dixon '00, J. McD. Campbell '99, J. F. Curtis '99, G. McC. Sargent '99, H. I. Bowditch '98, Conrad Bell '00, T. H. Robbins '99, Arthur Adams '99, G. O. Smith, E. C. Stowell '98, S. Robinson '98, R. M. Barker '98, D. Fairbank '99, J. H. Choate '97, T. B. Gannett, Jr., '97, R. B. Cutting '97, W. B. Cutting '00, F. Curtis '98, H. Binney '97, R. S. Holland '00, S. S. Williams '00, C. H. Hatch '00, J. C. B. Davis '00, T. Morse '98, E. W. Capen '97, L. Underwood '97, A. Jay, Jr., '00, D. Cheever '97, R. L. Scaife '97, A. D. Griffiths '00, R. H. Stevenson, Jr., '97.

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