Harvard Man Called to Columbia.


Professor James Harvey Robinson, of the University of Pennsylvania, has accepted a call to Columbia College in New York as Professor of European History. Professor Robinson will begin his work at Columbia, which will be altogether with graduate students, with the opening of the next academic year.

Professor Robinson went to the University of Pennsylvania in 1891 as Lecturer on European History in the department of philosophy. In the fall of 1892 he was appointed Associate Professor of European History, which is the position that he now resigns. He is still a young man, having been born in Bloomington, III., in 1863. He graduated from Harvard in 1887. After a year of graduate study in history at Harvard, he went to Germany and took the degree of Doctor of Philosophy.

Dr. Robinson has been a frequent contributor to scientific and educational literature. He is one of the group of men who have built up the American Academy of Political and Social Science, and is one of the editors of The Annals.

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