HMS Is Facing a Deficit. Under Trump, Some Fear It May Get Worse.
Cambridge Police Respond to Three Armed Robberies Over Holiday Weekend
What’s Next for Harvard’s Legacy of Slavery Initiative?
MassDOT Adds Unpopular Train Layover to Allston I-90 Project in Sudden Reversal
Denied Winter Campus Housing, International Students Scramble to Find Alternative Options
At the trial of candidates last night for the 'Varsity Banjo Club, the following men presented themselves, and will be taken on for further trial, M. Washburn '95, J. T. Emott ' M, Lincoln '96, C. A. Pierce '96, J. B. Reed '95 and J. S. Holbrook '96. Other men who tried were, T. Parker '95, W. E. Doyle L. S. S., R. E. Saylor '96. W. C. Gray '96 and G. H. Spalding '96.
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