The constant possibility of war in the countries of Europe renders military training compulsory, and a term of service in the army is as necessary as a common school education. This is the more noticeable to us, as the United States having no warlike neighbors and being protected by vast oceans, requires no military discipline in her schools and colleges. The great strength of Germany is entirely due to this system; the result is that a knowledge of military tactics is general. In France the training schools are so arranged that comparatively few attain high rank and proficiency in the army. But the German system of schools imparts a broader education, together with a good knowledge of army tactics to its soldiers, and the warlike propensities of the students are exhibited by their constantly dueling with one other.

If after entering the ranks any one wishes to attain some commission, an examination must first be passed; but if he has previously acquitted himself creditably at a preparatory military school, he may be promoted without being examined. After a fixed term of service the aspirant is then advanced to a higher division, where his military education is completed. If satisfactory he is promoted and finally receives his coveted commission. But if the officer is now especially ambitious, there is one more school where the highest positions in the service are awarded. The interest that the government takes in the training of its soldiers is attested by the fact that it pays the expenses of all who aspire to military honors.

In most of the other European countries the education is similar to that of the Prussian system, but not so rigid and complete. The result is that Germany has not only the largest and finest equipped army, but also the most enlightened and educated soldiers in the world.

W. A.

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