
Michael D. Knobler

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Paying Respects

T HE TRUE TEST of one's humanity comes in how one reacts to the misfortunes of one's enemies. According respect

Battle of the Underdogs

T he hostages had recently returned from Iran, Nancy and Ron were just settling into the White House, and everybody

Let It Be

J OHN P. REARDON JR. '60 and Archie C. Epps III have little to gain personally from authorizing the proposed

Somewhere on the Road

SOMEWHERE ON INTERSTATE SS, N.Y.--My crystal ball broke yesterday, and for the first time this year, I had to leave

Sis, Boom, Bah Humbug

W hen informed recently that his alma mater had just concluded its most successful athletic year in its history, the

Harvard Olympic Soccer Details Emerge

Hosting first-round 1984 Olympic soccer competition will not cost Harvard a cent, officials said at a press conference yesterday at

Batmen Take Four, Sweep Into League Lead

WEST POINT, N.Y.--For three years the seniors on the Harvard baseball team have waited for the week. After winning an

Reform From Within

THERE SHOULD NOT be an interdisciplinary committee in women's studies. That innovation would accentuate many of the same problems that

Scientists Voice Concerns About Grant Procedures

Three Harvard faculty members serving on a National Academy of Sciences (NAS) committee seeking improvement in relations between scientists and