
Irin Carmon

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Midshipman Follows Family Naval Tradition

When it comes to e-mail writing, she favors exclamation points and capital letters. For fashion, it’s white Lacoste and pearl

Obama, Keyes Face Off in Race

Two Harvard men will make history today in the election for an Illinois Senate seat that has pitted Harvard Law

Harvard Flocks to Electoral Vote Site

Harvard has topped yet another ranking, but this time, getting to number one has little to do with academic prowess

The Guy Behind the Guy

When Democratic presidential hopeful Howard Dean threw off his jacket, rolled up his sleeves and let loose the scream heard

Latter Day Success

Maybe it was beginner’s luck. Fresh out of Harvard, having swooped headlong into the pit of motion picture dreams that

Wine Harvesting

Somewhere between the dining hall and the box wine, something of the beauty of food and wine gets lost. This

Elvis Mitchell Takes on Harvard

Elvis Mitchell likes to disarm. Even in person, the same arresting wit he unleashes on readers and fearful filmmakers in

Shelter From the Storm

You could walk by University Lutheran Homeless Shelter without ever noticing it, unless you stopped to wonder who was taking

Wined and Dined

They’ve trudged through 16 inches of snow, variously clad in snow boots and stilettos. The destination: an annual FM event

Gentlemen Prefer To Be Blondes

Just for tonight, Stacy, born Scott Campbell, is onstage with Hollywood’s greatest. There’s Tony Curtis, Jack Lemmon ’47 is close