
Peter J. Ferrara

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Abolish Affirmative Action Quotas

O N A RECENT SUNDAY afternoon about 150 students gathered in Harvard Yard to express their support for affirmative action

Libertarian Urges End to Restrictions On Liberty in U.S.

The debate in this election year should not be how much and where the government ought to regulate people's lives,

Moynihan's Resignation

D ANIEL PATRICK Moynihan's courage and candor, displayed during his brief stay at the U.N., represents a small victory not

Render Unto Cesar...

U NION REPRESENTATION elections have been held for just over 35,000 farmworkers in California under a new state law which

Should the State Ban Handguns?

The two recently attempted assassinations of President Ford have again made gun control a major political issue. This is especially

People vs. Buckley

T WO PRESIDENTIAL assassination attempts within 17 days last month have once again made handgun confiscation a major national issue.

What's Right in the Ec Department?

A S THE RESULT of an intensive public relations campaign, an unfortunate myth persists at Harvard that the Economics Department

A Reply

Last week in an Opinion Page article entitled "Busing: the Best Available Means," Brian Bohn charged that in my article,

The Failure of Busing

L AST WEEK Federal Judge W. Arthur Garrity Jr. ordered even more busing for Boston's schools next year, doubling the

What Is Justice?

T HE IDEA THAT justice means equality is often assumed bur rarely argued for, Writers assume that to show that