Contributing opinion writer

Elise M. Stefanik

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Harvard Must Find Its Moral Clarity

As a Harvard alumna, I believe we must demand that the most well-recognized and preeminent higher education institution in the world rediscover its moral clarity and eliminate antisemitism from its campus.

A Patriotic Partnership

At Harvard, discourse surrounding the U.S. military is awash with issues such as President Bush’s foreign policy, the war in

Shaping Our Political Future

The aftermath of Hurricane Katrina reinforces in vivid terms the impact of public policy on all of our lives. As

Political Vomit

Yesterday was the first time that I was both embarrassed and ashamed to be associated with my fellow Harvard students.

All the Men Presidents

Recent discourse regarding gender issues on the Harvard campus has centered upon issues of women in science, female tenured faculty,

Fly-By 'Hi's

Amidst the hubbub of returning to Harvard—moving in, shopping classes, reconnecting with old friends—the realization that something is amuck slowly

The Section Shakedown

Preparing for the imminent rush of midterms and papers—students’ first brush with academic accountability—mid-semester is the time when Harvard students

Aspiring Astronaut Named Rhodes Scholar

Shazrene S. Mohamed ’04, an astrophysics concentrator from Kirkland House, has been named a 2004 Rhodes Scholar. One of seven

Free Falling

Love songs always get me. I still await the moment when sparks fly and Mr. Right softly croons in my