Tips for a Successful Freshman Formal

Ahhh, the last week of classes is finally here and so is one of the bigger events of freshman year. Needless to say, this freshman formal is indeed a special occasion and will be held in the most glamorous of venues– the Science Center Plaza. Anyways, Flyby’s experienced committee gives you the best tips on how to make this one of the best (and safe) nights of your freshman career.
Seriously, guys...there’s a reason as to why y’all are in the SC Plaza in the first place. For those that don’t know how to handle their beverages, err on the side of caution and replace vodka with water (lol). The goal is to have a good time, not to end up at UHS or have the Class of 2019 hold their freshman formal in the library.
Bring a date if you can
Going with a person that you’ve become good friends always leads to a fun time, or maybe you want to take a chance and ask out that special someone? Enjoy the night under the stars (or the tent where the formal will be) and be sure to take pictures for the *memories*.
Crash it
How much are formal tickets nowadays? Regardless, it’s not as if Harvard is in dire need of it or has a massive endowment or anything. Draw a simple X on your hand or simply sneak in through the back of the tent. Should be easy and hey, you don’t have to stay the entire night to get your money’s worth.
Dress like 007
Okay, maybe don’t overdo it. But the last wave of midterms just ended and reading period is here so relax and look sharp for the night. Get that new Facebook profile picture with your friends or Insta while you’re at it.
Have fun, freshmen! It'll be a night to remember (or not).