Blocking for Dummies: Last Minute Blocking Tips

With housing day right around the corner, freshmen are finally allowed to make their one and only not-random housing decision: blocking groups. They'll be sharing a house with you for the next three years, so the decision of who will be in your group is a substantial one. Some freshmen have already figured out who they’re blocking with, but in case you haven’t, don't worry! Here are some typical groups that you can model after:
The Unoriginals– blocking with your current roommates/entryway
You’re used to them. You’re used to their smells, their shower schedules, and their empty candy wrappers in the cracks of the futon you bought together. Heck, you also went splitsies on that minifridge, the microwave, and the high-end oscillating fan. Rather than play divorced-with-kids and decide who gets what, you avoid confrontation and take the easy route– blocking with your roommates and/or entryway (level of satisfaction is questionable).
The party animals– blocking with your party buddies
You’ve been seeing each other regularly on the weekends so you might as well make it official! With plans to party it up seven days a week next year, you and your buddies are gonna make sure sophomore year is one to remember. They always say college is about having fun (minus the psets and papers and midterms and finals)!
The Athletes– blocking with your team
You leave for lift at ungodly hours of the morning and don’t get back from team dinners until after 7 p.m. You have a very strict schedule that's unique to your team. You work out, eat, and study together so why not live together, too? And no one knows for sure, but it’s rumored that if you block with your teammates, you’ll never be late for practice again. Won’t Coach be proud?
The Pre-Med Concentrators– blocking with your classmates
You’re always together because you're taking all the same classes and are in all the same clubs. Blocking together is just more convenient for everyone! And at the end of the day, you're competing with each other for the same spot in medical the saying goes, it's best to keep your enemies close.
The Internationals– blocking with fellow foreigners
fYou met at FIP and it was love at first sight. These people (their accents mainly) are the closest you can get to home and the farthest you can get from “football” and the New England Patriots.
The Floater– blocking with… yourself!
You like to live life on the edge; you crave the thrilling excitement of the unknown while simultaneously hoping and praying you aren’t roomed with a psychopath. Tbh you really couldn’t care less whether you’re put into a single or an octuple, as long as people stay out of your stuff and don’t touch your Oreos!