So, You Want to Transfer?

Transfer season came and went (I didn’t even know this was a thing tbh because #riverhouse) and for one reason or another, some of us have made the life-changing decision to live in another House. After some strenuous and rigorous research, we discovered the many ways people justified transferring.
1) You live in the Quad: You might as well be living in Narnia. Despite the routinely stated “but it’s suuuuuuch a great community, promise,” you know this does not compensate for waiting in line for the shuttle while the frostbite seeps through those Bean boots. Oh, and preferably you’d like to be in the same zip code as the school you attend.
2) You want to be closer to Felipe’s: Those cold weekend nights after you’ve crushed your CS50 pset or some beers (usually the former), nothing is more rewarding than topping it all off with a super burrito from your favorite Mexican restaurant. Unfortunately the shuttle doesn’t take one from Mather straight to this historic cornerstone.  So, a house closer to the Square would be the move to make.
3) A little Datamatch can go a long way: The desire to transfer Houses is intended to be closer with someone else. What better way to surprise them than with that special letter of transfer? Makes the planning for the waffle date much easier.  Besides, closer proximity means less time commuting and more time Netflixing together.
4) You long for a change of scenery and a legitimate reason to be late to everything: Quad.
5) The Blockmate Situation: Having a difficult time concentrating at night while your roommate makes inhuman noises? Getting sexiled a bit too often? Tired of the room smelling like three weeks of your lovely roommate’s unwashed laundry? Yolo it and transfer.
For those still waiting to transfer, we know difficult times lie ahead (or not), but all housing adventures have their trials and tribulations. May the Housing gods be forever in your favor (again).