"More Grapes on Pizza": HUDS Comment Cards

Some days I find myself walking through the Kirkland servery cursing the HUDS god of cuisine for that day’s offerings. Why oh why put that rubbery calimari in the paella? Who thought banana creme froyo would be a hit? What the heck is that weird tofu concoction they put out for the vegetarians? Other days I revel in the beauty that is warm sourdough bread, pesto tortellini, guac at lunch (!!), and that chocolate dessert that’s to.die.for.
Since we’re all pretty much confined to whatever HUDS deigns to feed us each day (the Co-op is looking pretty good right about now), it’s not a surprise that almost everyone has an opinion on the grub served up in the d-halls. (Some of my friends actually love when the cookies are burnt...what?!) And some people, at least in Kirkland, even like to write down their opinions about HUDS’s gastronomical whims.
Comment cards are available in all houses, but this reporter’s thorough research (read: went to the River West d-halls at brain break) showed that only Kirkland truly utilizes them. Maybe it’s because the board is in full view right in front of the conveyor belt to drop off dishes? There is rarely a week where the entire bulletin board isn’t full of compliments, requests, or complaints. And the nicest guy even responds professionally to every single one! Here are some examples from this week:
Some weirdo asked for more grapes on pizza...
And another expressed their discontent with the new hummus, as well as a punny reminder for the refreshment of a certain spice...
Have any funny ones in your house? Take a picture and tag @crimsonflyby on Facebook or Instagram! Maybe your picture will be featured next time!